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  • What is "Warlocks In Space LLC"
    Warlocks In Space Publishing LLC is a web publishing platform. We host ebooks, serial web novels, and audiobooks (by the chapter online and whole for download). Our author's books are also published as physical books in paperback and hardcover as well as audiobooks in MP3 and on CD. If you love our authors' works you can also find themed merch for your favorite WISP story in our store.
  • Do I have to have a subscription in order to have an account for writing or reading.
    Accounts are free. The price of a story is determined by whether or not the author has monetized it or not. Many creators choose to make their writing free for readers and only charge for advanced chapters. If a piece of content is not free to view or read, then it can be purchased individually as a download (not all of our books have been published to physical format yet) or included in a site-wide subscription.
  • Who can participate in the referral program and how does it work?
    Anyone can participate in the referral program. Every person who signs up with an account for Warlocks In Space Publishing LLC will receive a referral link in their account profile. Share your link and you earn 1% of all income generated by the individuals who sign up through your link. This means that if an author or creator signs up through your link, you earn 1% of all income generated from the sale of every one of their books or subscriptions. If a reader signs up through your link you receive 1% of every purchase they make including subscriptions and merchandise. Payouts from the referral program can pay for subscriptions and products or can be paid to you directly. There is a minimum cash-out amount.
  • Does Warlocks In Space Publishing LLC have a loyalty points or reward program?
    Yes. We do have a loyalty points reward program. The Program is called the Bag Of Holding and points are known as Coin Of The Realm.
  • How are Coin Of The Realm earned?
    For every dollar spent on or the Warlocks In Space app users will earn 2 Coin of the Realm.
  • What can I spend my Coin Of The Realm on?
    Coin Of The Realm can be spent on merchandise, subscriptions, and any content that creators have listed as purchasable with Coin Of The Realm.
  • Will there be/is there content besides books, ebooks, and audiobooks on this platform?
    We are constantly adding new content and formats.
  • Do I have to have a subscription to read content on Warlocks In Space?
    No. Content on Warlocks In Space Publishing can be accessed with multiple options. Some content is free. Some content can be purchased individually. Some content can be purchased by the chapter. Some content can be accessed with subscriptions. And some content can be accessed with reward points known as Coin Of The Realm. You do not need a subscription to view any of the content that authors have published as free or that you purchase. We generally recommend that if content is provided free on other platforms that it should also be provided free on Warlocks In Space. However, we do not require that content be provided for free. Free content is monetized for the support of authors through the use of ads displayed within the free content whether you have a Site-Wide subscription or not. It is possible to remove ads from the free content with a Remove Ads subscription. However, this subscription to remove ads from content does not provide access to content that is monetized specifically with another type of subscription. It just removes ads from content that you have access to.
  • How much is a subscription?
    There are multiple types of subscriptions and subscription tiers. They all have different prices. Please take a look at our Pricing and Plans page to find the subscription that is right for you. Subscriptions can be purchased from the My Subscriptions page in your account.
  • I just want to read one book. Do I really have to get a subscription?
    Absolutely not. If the author has listed a book with a one-time purchase price, you can just pay for that one book. If the book is free, you don't even need an account to read it.
  • I want to write a story on Warlocks In Space, too. How do I do this?
    It's super simple. Just sign up and log into your account. From your 'My Submissions' page, click the 'Start A New Project' button and complete the submission form. Our team will review your first chapter and synopsis and you will be notified once your story is approved. Add one chapter at a time.
  • Why should I publish content with Warlocks In Space?
    Here at Warlocks In Space Publishing, we realize that as a small business, our success is completely dependent on our creators' success. We want our creators to gain a following and be as widely recognized as we can get them to be. Benefits of Publishing with WISP A 50% to 75% Royalty rate. - That is a flat rate for all content regardless of format or exclusivity. Our non-exclusive contributors get just as much royalty as our exclusive contributors. Of the 25% that WISP keeps, a portion goes to our wonderful affiliates. Free advertising - We here at WISP will advertise our authors on our social media for free. We will not expect our creators to pay for 'exposure' after providing us with content. This means that new creators who haven't yet established their platforms don't have to wait to build up their social media presence before they get readers and followers. Diversified Revenue Streams - Content creators can publish multiple types of content or team up with other creators on the site to make additional content types. For example, Authors can have their stories turned into audiobooks, and animators can find stories that would make great animated shows. Books can be sold by the chapters, by the whole book as eBooks, paperbacks, hardcovers, in audiobook by the chapter for download or on CD. Merchandising - While this could have been included under diversified revenue streams, Warlocks In Space Publishing will provide Merchandising options for any of your intellectual properties that you want to publish with our company. If you don't have art that can be used for merchandising, we can provide this to you. Tours and Promotions - Want to go on a real or virtual tour to promote your work but don't know how to or don't have the time to arrange that? Warlocks In Space Publishing can help make all the arrangements. All you have to do is show up early. There is a minimum content submission quantity to be eligible for this though.
  • How do I publish my books, music, or videos on Warlocks In Space?
    It’s easy. Just sign up for a free account. From your member area you will be able to access the "My Submissions" page. Click "Start A New Project" and a new project application form will open for you. Once you've filled out the submission form and submitted it, the WISP editor and publisher will review your project and either approve it or suggest edits within the next 10 days.
  • Do I have to have a cover for my web novel or eBook?
    No. It is not necessary that you have a cover for your eBook or novel. It is possible to use the WISP 'placeholder' cover or WISP can create a cover for your project.
  • If I published without a cover can I add one later on?
  • What am I allowed to write or create content about?
    Content Guidelines No Copyright Infringement or Illegal Content Warlocks In Space Publishing does not advocate for illegal activities. None of the content published on this website should be of an illegal nature nor should it advocate or glorify illegal activities. Copyright infringement is also not permitted. If you have a copyright complaint please use the contact form to let us know of the offending content. No Offensive Content Warlocks In Space Publishing tries to be a website for everyone. Therefore, we do not permit the publishing of any content that: · advocates or glorifies hate speech, intolerance, human tragedies and disasters, · contains racially derogatory language, · glorifies or promotes people that have been found guilty of violent or sexual crimes, · or that promotes the abuse or sexual exploitation of children (or individuals who resemble children), · encourages terrorism, · glorifies rape or pedophilia, or contains pornography. · We also prohibit products/content marketed to or targeting children or teens that are age-inappropriate. Poor Consumer Experience We do not allow content that creates a poor experience for those on the site. Do not use misleading descriptions, categories, or genres on your content. Public Domain Content While public domain content is permitted, you may not charge for it and no ad or subscription revenue will go to an author who has published undifferentiated and unchanged freely available public domain content. Errors Please correct any spelling, grammatical, contextual, formatting, or other errors in your books before uploading. Such errors may impact your readers’ ability to understand or enjoy your books. If you need assistance with your books WISP can arrange beta readers and editors to review your books.
  • Do I have to publish exclusively on Warlocks In Space Publishing LLC?
    No. But only if your self-published book is not involved with a royalty-sharing service agreement. Books that are receiving advertising, editing, art, or other publishing services on a royalty sharing contract must be published exclusively through Warlocks In Space Publishing LLC until their services are paid for. Royalty-sharing contracts may be bought out by authors who wish to go wide faster.
  • Will Warlocks In Space pay me to write books or create content for them exclusively?
    We will pay a higher royalty rate to exclusively signed authors and content creators. There is no minimum monthly royalty earning guarantee no matter how much content you publish. Warlocks In Space will host and monetize your content for a small percentage of your royalties.
  • Do I have to have a certain number of fans or followers to be promoted by Warlocks In Space?
    No. We want readers to read your work. We want viewers to view your work. We want to promote all of our creators. You will never watch your creation be neglected and lose income to popular and well known creators being promoted over those who are not as popular or well known. Warlocks In Space is specifically designed to promote the less popular content ahead of the most popular content. Readers already know how to find the popular content that they enjoy reading. We actively seek to promote the books that have fallen behind. We want our creators to succeed.
  • How do authors earn from ad revenue?
    Authors get a portion of the ad revenue from the website which is based on the number of words published and the exclusivity of their content as opposed to the percentage of views they bring to the website and app. - What this means is that even if an author gets NO VIEWS or reads on their content, they are still eligible for a portion of the income earned by the website in the form of a percentage of ad revenue. - The more published content an author has the higher percentage of the ad revenue from the website and app they will receive. - Exclusive content gets a higher percentage than non-exclusive content. - This means that an exclusively published author with fewer published words or content may receive as much or more ad revenue as an author who is published non-exclusively but has more published content on Warlocks In Space website and app. - While this may seem unfair, the entire point of Warlocks In Space Publishing is to help authors earn from the very start of their careers. - Like other webbook publishers, we do offer a popularity bonus to make up for the fact that subscription and ad revenue are shared based on word count and not on views.
  • How old do I need to be to publish my content on Warlocks In Space?
    Considering that The Head Warlock was only 17 when he started Warlocks In Space Publishing, it would be kind of hypocritical of him to limit content creators by age. We do not have a minimum age to publish requirement. However, we do require that individuals under the age of 18 (unless they are emancipated minors) have the permission of a parent or legal guardian for any content they publish and any revenue-sharing agreements on the minor's content must be approved by the legal guardian.
  • What kind of merchandising will you make/sell for my content? Do I get a say in it?
    We work very closely with our creators to help find the merchandising options that work best for their content. The type of merchandise may (and likely will) vary by source material. If a creator has a specific idea they have in mind, share it with your publisher to see if it is feasible at this time.
  • What countries can creators earn from?
    Any country that accepts PayPal, Stripe, or Wise Bank international transfers.
  • What is the royalty break down for creators and authors?
    Writers and content creators receive 80% of royalties for exclusive stories and content, and 75% royalties for non-exclusive stories and content. Ways that content is monetized on Warlocks In Space Completed eBooks, Audiobooks, and Video Series - Creators, authors, and narrators receive 50% to 75% of the royalties for a book or series. How that percentage is distributed out among them depends on what format is purchased. (Writers get a full 75% of the royalties for eBooks. Narrators receive 50% of the royalties for audiobooks while authors receive a minimum of only 25%. For video content the royalty split will depend on how many people contributed and what part they played in the creation of the content. All individuals receiving income for exclusive WISP content would ideally have accounts with WISP so that their earnings can be appropriately distributed.) Per chapter and episode monetization - Customers who don't want a subscription, can pay to unlock one chapter or episode of content at a time. Unlocks can be paid for with currency, rewarded ads, or reward points. (Creators and authors receive 80% royalties for exclusive content and 75% royalties for non-exclusive content.) Subscriptions - While our company is still young, subscriptions are for all content site-wide including eBooks by the chapter, audiobooks by the chapter, video content, and courses. In the future, subscribers will be able to subscribe to only the genre, creator, series, or content format of their choice. (75% of all subscription income is split among our writers and content creators. The split is determined by the amount of content a creator or author has on the site, and whether that content is exclusive, non-exclusive, or a derivative work of other content published on WISP. For example, exclusive content would get a higher percentage of the pot per episode or chapter than non-exclusive content. Content that is a derivative of exclusive WISP content would get a higher percentage of the pot than derivative works of content that was not exclusive.) Merchandizing - All exclusive content can be monetized with merchandise that Warlocks in Space will provide and sell on our website, on Amazon, and various other online outlets. Royalties are 80% of profits for creators that hold copyrights. If more than one creator is a copyright holder for an image or idea, the 80% of profits will be split among them accordingly. The artist who designs the merchandise will receive up to 50% of the royalties while the artist who created the original work will receive a minimum of 20% Physical Products - Hardcover and paperback books, audiobooks on CD, Video on DVD or Blu-ray. Affiliate Sales
  • Why does the royalty rate vary between 50% to 75%
    You are actually going to love thhis answer. The primary creator of content always gets a minimum of 50% of the royalties. If an author has self-published and already has a completed work that doesn't require any editing, a cover, formatting services, or anything else, they will receive the full 75% royalties. However, if an author doesn't have a book cover, needs editing, wants alpha readers, beta readers, critique partners or anything else like that, up to 35% of the royalties can be used for royalty sharing to pay for independent reviews, edits, and art. Warlocks In Space Publishing does not employ any artists and only has the one editor on payroll. This is why we created the Marketplace and Collaborations. Authors and other cretives can find the help they need with their projects without making any payments upfront. The percentage of royalties an author or creator gets from their work depends on how much they choose to spend on royalty shared services. Royalty sharing is dependent on the format. So, the percentage an editor receives for their services is different or a text version (ebook/paperback/hardcover) of a book than what they would receive for the audiobook version. But 50% + 35% = 85%. How can an author use up to 35% of royalties for revenue sharing if they can only receive a max of 75%? Because WISP will forefeit up to 10% of our portion of the royalties to royalty sharing services so that our authors can receive the help they need to make their work a success. We contribute an additional 5% of royalties for affiliates to help with sales. Bringing the portion of royalties that we keep down to 10%.
  • What do you mean by "Payments"?
    Payments apply to all individuals who receive royalty shares and revenue shares through Warlocks In Space Publishing LLC.
  • How much royalties will I get with each payment? And when will I get paid?
    Because your royalty share payments are based on a percentage of each month’s book sales, subscriptions, and merchandise sales, how much you earn monthly will vary from month to month. All royalty shares and revenue shares you have earned will be paid out on the 20th of the month sixty days following the month they were earned in. For example, royalties, ad revenue, subscription revenue, and affiliate revenue earned in January will be paid the 20th of April. This is to allow processing time for our international creators to receive payments on the same day as our domestic writers.
  • How will I get paid?
    Warlocks In Space Publishing LLC can hold your earnings in your account for you to spend on the website or can transfer it to the account of your choice monthly. We work with Stripe, Paypal, Wise, and make ACH distributions as well.
  • Is there a minimum payment threshold?
    If you choose to have your income credited to your Warlocks In Space Publishing Account for fees owed, or held as a balance on your Warlocks In Space Account then no. Income distributed to a financial institution that accepts payments from one of our service providers will be distributed once the balance is sufficient to offset transfer charges. Stripe charges 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction. Wise charges 0.41% per transaction. PayPal Send/Receive Money For Goods and Services charges 2.89% + $0.49 per transaction. While Warlocks In Space Publishing is willing to set the minimum payout at $1.00, we recommend setting your Minimum Payout to at least $5.00. For ACH transfers a minimu of $10.00 is needed.
  • Do you publish physical books?
    We will be soon. If you want to be included on the list to be notified when we start publishing physical books please click HERE.
  • My book is print on demand through Kindle Direct Publishing, can I sell it directly on Warlocks In Space Publishing LLC?
    No.We do not currently offer that option.
  • Why should I want to have my hard or soft-cover physical book published with Warlocks In Space LLC instead of self-publishing once that option is available?
    Because the goal of Warlocks In Space Publishing LLC is to provide independent authors, creators, and self-publishing service providers with a platform to connect, grow, and succeed in producing high-quality books and content.
  • How do I get a job working for Warlocks In Space?
    If you want to join the coven and become a part of the publishing magic that is Warlocks In Space please hop on over to our Careers page and see if there are any job openings you might be interested in.
  • What does Warlocks In Space look for in an employee?
    We are looking for competent individuals. Our employees don't have to be brilliant or innovative. What we want are employees who are willing to learn our processes, work within laws and regulations, and provide suggestions and ideas for greater profitability and better customer experience even if they are timid, shy, or scared to do so. We want you to speak up when you are uncomfortable and ask for help when you need it. You don't have to be bold, a "go-getter", “hungry”, "humble", "coachable", or "ambitious". It's okay if you've had multiple jobs because you moved around or even just job-hopped as you were looking for the right fit. We don't care how much documentable experience you have if you can learn the skills to do your job. And though we offer employees the opportunity to provide references, it's not going to count against you if you don't have any. We want people who are capable of learning how to do the work and then getting it done. Efficiently, and competently. Does this sound like you?
  • Do I need a degree to work for Warlocks In Space?
    No. We do not require that any employee in any position have a degre. However, we do require that employees meet the state and federal requirements for any position that they may hold. Those may require education or certifications that are beyond Warlocks In Space ability to control.
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